Friday, 8 March 2013

At January 2013 we have been assigned to work in groups in order to complete an interactive screen-based story/animation. Myself,Catherine Nothum and Mai Vabo have been working on this project.Before anything productive happened via computers,softwares and other materials,we had to sit together and brainstorm ideas about what we are going to do for our project,which involved quite a few questions to think about.We were asked to write a group proposal/narrative which explains pretty much everything about our interactive story.It is more or less about the time-line of the project,what the interactive story is going to be about,the possible software and materials used throughout the making of the video and what sorts of digital media will be involved.Towards mid-February we started writing it and we had to submit it in the beginning of March. Here is a copy of the original group proposal of our project.

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